August 2006

HomeAugust 2006

Invaluable JavaScript Tools

If you write a lot of JavaScript, then you'll find Matthias Miller's website chockfull of useful information And even better, he's put together two great tools The first is...

On the Making of Gorillas

I was struck by Nicholas Carr's post about Wikipedia dominating search results Try it for yourself - google a few topics off the top of your head Odds are the first page of...

Profiling Ruby Code

Pat Eyler has written a nice set of articles about profiling Ruby code He shows how to use the built in Ruby profiler as well as ruby-prof (my personal favorite :) He talks a...

On Long Transactions

It was with great interest that I read that PostGIS 113 supports long transactions Except there is one problem - if you dig into the documentation you'll see it does no such...

Selenium and XHTML

Last month I blogged about Selenium, which is an open source project that let's you test web applications running in a variety of browser Unfortunately, Selenium doesn't work out...

Its the data stupid!

Let's say you've been tasked with integrating several applications in your organization A quick Google later and you're overwhelmed with different opinions about the right...
