Can Open Source Dethrone Google Maps?
Since returning from FOSS4G, I've been nagged by a question in the back of my mind - can open source succeed in the geospatial world Now you might think I've lost my mind...
Since returning from FOSS4G, I've been nagged by a question in the back of my mind - can open source succeed in the geospatial world Now you might think I've lost my mind...
Foss4g 2007 witnessed the birth of a new Google Group - GeoRuby Like I talked about last week, when we started MapBuzz the Ruby and Mapping community could be counted on one hand...
Wilhelm Chung had a nice followup to my post last week about Rails Unusual Architecture He provides more details about how alias_method_chain works and even includes a few...
Back when I started MapBuzz, there was so little work being done in the open source geospatial world with Ruby and/or Rails that Sean even commented on it Geospatial was the...
Let's continue our on-again, off-again series about making Rails better We've talked about fixing ActiveRecord's awkward handling of attributes, implementing RESTful error...
Its been over a year since I blogged about GEOS, an open source project that provides rich functionality for analyzing and manipulating geometries and is a key part of...
Ealier this week, Yue was interviewed by Christine Lu on The China Business Show Christine does a great job of interviewing people who are experts on doing business in China,...
As I've mentioned a number of times, I'm a big fan of Atom and the Atom publishing protocol and believe they will become the lingua franca of Web Services, including spatial web...
There has been surprisingly little written about how Rails is implemented If you Google for "architecture Rails" you'll find plenty of articles that describe Rails as a web...