

Why Is REST So Hard to Understand?

I know, I know Not another article about REST - hasn't this horse been flogged enough Perhaps - but recently I've been watching the GIS industry finally discover REST and...

End the Endpoint Madness

Sean's been writing about why the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards aren't RESTful Since the OGC seems to be my favorite punching bag these days, I thought I'd jump...

Cool Links Don’t Change

Peter and Tim have been blogging about one of the least undestood parts of REST - how state is handled Tim puts it nicely: The essence of REST is to make the states of the...

My Experiences with OGC

Some of my recent posts could be interpreted as veiled critisism of the Open Geopspatial Consortium (OGC) But in truth, I've been very impressed how OGC has reinvented itself...

Standards Block Innovation?

Last week Landon Blake vented his frustration at the Open Geospatial Consurtium by claiming that poorly designed standards create obstacles to innovation and collaboration This...

Drinking the Cool Aid

From Stefan: There are way too many examples of this; my favorite one being XMI Amen I drank that cool aid once myself (nothing like learning by...

Atom Will Change the World

Its a rare day that a truly good standard comes along Its an even rarer day that the standard get widely adopted So the developers of Atom should stand up and take a bow - not...

Eureka Moments

One of the great mysteries of sofware development is what is the best way to do it Its just like diets - every year or two the latest fad comes roaring through and everyone...
