March 2006

HomeMarch 2006


Just noticed that Joe Hewitt has posted an updated version of Firebug He's taken a great extension and turned it into the best Firefox extension by far Its an absolutely...

Need Help on HTTP Status Code

Imagine the following situation: You have an HTML sign up form for a userOne of the fields is for the user's emailThe user fills in the data and POSTs the response to the...

Typo Feed Content Types

Being a good web netizen, every few days I check that my blog and Yue's blog validate using the W3C feed validator (well someone has to serve valid content - of course having...

I’ve Been Found

Well it took 10 days but both Google and MSN have added me to their indices Sadly, Yahoo still doesn’t acknowledge my existence :) Its interesting watching the search...

Data and Reality

Every artistic endeavor strives to capture some slice of the world around us You might be trying to create as realistic a portrayal as possible, or maybe you're after a highly...

REST Controller for RAILS

Time to continue the REST and Rails theme Rails' most egregious violation of REST is that it exposes object methodsin URIs: http://myrailsappcom/users/show ...


Perhaps this is a bit vain, but after my first week of blogging I was curious how many people had wandered through I’ve heard people say good things about awstats so I gave...

Content Negotiation And Rails

Let's get back to REST and Rails One of the things Rails doesn't support is HTTPContent Negotiation Why would you want this Because different clients understand different content...

JavaScript and Semicolons

Did you realize that semicolons are optional in JavaScript I have to admit ignorance until just a few weeks ago - and I've been programming JavaScript on and off for seven...
