

Its the Links Stupid!

Peter wrote a good post last month about the power of links It strange to be evangelizing links over ten years into the Web revolution, but in an ironic twist, what the...

Atom Makes a Better WFS

As many of you know, I'm a big fan of Atom, including both the syndication format and publishing protocol At Foss4g, I gave a talk that argued that Atom offers a better solution...

GIS Interoperability via AtomPub

As I've mentioned a number of times, I'm a big fan of Atom and the Atom publishing protocol and believe they will become the lingua franca of Web Services, including spatial web...

Cool Links Don’t Change

Peter and Tim have been blogging about one of the least undestood parts of REST - how state is handled Tim puts it nicely: The essence of REST is to make the states of the...

Rendering With Style

Chris Tweedie posted an interesting reply to my rant about GIS standards and took me to task for "WMS bashing" and why WMS is a useful Enterprise standard Perhaps - except I...

The Sad State of GIS Web Standards

Let's face facts - the stable of GIS Web standards is suboptimal To show you what I mean, let's think about the common things you'd want to do with web mapping and see if...

Safari’s SVG Growing Pains

A couple of weeks ago I blogged that Safari 3 beta's SVG support was buggy Here's a concrete example (if you are using Internet Explorer unfortunately you won't see anything...

The Most Annoying Ad Ever

Silly me - I thought gaudy, in-your-face advertising went out with the Dotcom boom Apparently not As I was reading the Denver Post the other day, I watched in horror, and...
