Yet Another JavaScript Inheritance Implementation
This code has been deprecated - use the new and improved version instead I've always been a fan of JavaScript - its flexibility makes it well tailored for its primary execution...
This code has been deprecated - use the new and improved version instead I've always been a fan of JavaScript - its flexibility makes it well tailored for its primary execution...
If you write a lot of JavaScript, then you'll find Matthias Miller's website chockfull of useful information And even better, he's put together two great tools The first is...
I was struck by Nicholas Carr's post about Wikipedia dominating search results Try it for yourself - google a few topics off the top of your head Odds are the first page of...
Pat Eyler has written a nice set of articles about profiling Ruby code He shows how to use the built in Ruby profiler as well as ruby-prof (my personal favorite :) He talks a...
For MapBuzz browser testing, we need to control the x and y locations of the mouse cursor Selenium didn't support this functionality, so I coded it up one evening and submitted...
It was with great interest that I read that PostGIS 113 supports long transactions Except there is one problem - if you dig into the documentation you'll see it does no such...
Last month I blogged about Selenium, which is an open source project that let's you test web applications running in a variety of browser Unfortunately, Selenium doesn't work out...
Let's say you've been tasked with integrating several applications in your organization A quick Google later and you're overwhelmed with different opinions about the right...
A very interesting [treemap](http://radaroreillycom/archives/Q206YoYproglangtreehtml) from O’Reilly that shows programming book sales in Q2 2006 compared to Q2 2005 ...
I upgraded my blog to Typo 40 earlier this week The new Feedback page alone made the upgrade worth while The Feedback page shows you all the comments people have left This is...