

Saying Goodbye To Prototype

Maybe its just me, but what I want from a JavaScript library seems to be diverging from what Prototype provides What I want, in order of importance, is: A cross-browser...

Atom Makes a Better WFS

As many of you know, I'm a big fan of Atom, including both the syndication format and publishing protocol At Foss4g, I gave a talk that argued that Atom offers a better solution...


Wilhelm Chung had a nice followup to my post last week about Rails Unusual Architecture He provides more details about how alias_method_chain works and even includes a few...

Rails’ Unusual Architecture

There has been surprisingly little written about how Rails is implemented If you Google for "architecture Rails" you'll find plenty of articles that describe Rails as a web...

If Only I Could Read Japanese

How neat, Matz linked to my article about fixing architecture flaws in ActiveRecord Of course I was curious to see what he said, so I ran his comments through online...
