Profiling Ruby Code
Pat Eyler has written a nice set of articles about profiling Ruby code He shows how to use the built in Ruby profiler as well as ruby-prof (my personal favorite :) He talks a...
Pat Eyler has written a nice set of articles about profiling Ruby code He shows how to use the built in Ruby profiler as well as ruby-prof (my personal favorite :) He talks a...
For MapBuzz browser testing, we need to control the x and y locations of the mouse cursor Selenium didn't support this functionality, so I coded it up one evening and submitted...
Last month I blogged about Selenium, which is an open source project that let's you test web applications running in a variety of browser Unfortunately, Selenium doesn't work out...
A very interesting [treemap](http://radaroreillycom/archives/Q206YoYproglangtreehtml) from O’Reilly that shows programming book sales in Q2 2006 compared to Q2 2005 ...
Sean mentioned the idea of using YAML for MapServer configuration files instead of XML I wholeheartedly agree The most important thing for a configuration file is that it is...
A great debate in linguistics is how much language influences thought In the world of computer science, I am firm believer in the theory Paul Graham, amongst many others,...
There are good tools for testing most parts of web applications At the base level, almost every language has a unit testing framework Above that, some web frameworks, like...
Yesterday I wanted to profile some methods I'm using on a Rails controller To get a feel for profiling Ruby code I put together a test case, added a "require 'prof'" to the top...
I have to join the ranks of those unhappy with Firefox 15 I've been using Mozilla browsers forever - long, long before Firefox I switched over to Firefox right around the time it...
Just as Peter continues to be amazed by Wikipedia, so do I Today I noticed that David Jenkins, who I used to work with, wrote an article about a programminglanguage called Magik...